I meant to write this sooner but somehow i got caught up with a few things. Pardon me. Even telegram Ecan pun baru buat tdi. She was like so excited to see my room kt rumah sewa ni since i told her. I dh ambik gmbr siap2 dh masa datang hantar barang aritu. tapi tulah ley lak terlupa nk share kt dia. Ayoyoyo...
Anyway, everything seems okay now and very frustrating and stress a little bit. 1st class aritu dh assign with assignment and presentation dah. I tak sempat nk ambik nafas lagi. Pastu dengan team building or induksi kinda like sesi kenalan antara ahli2 aagbs semua. To be honest, I sangat sangat taknak gi. I was like strongly against it. I seriosuly taknak gi. But my mom like pujuk i, bagi semangat and positive words. So i just gi lah. Dia actually bukan apa. Mula2 tu mmg redha lah kene gi bagai. But then bila tau ada yg tak pegi, tu yg dia mcm rebel tu. If not, i wont be that way i think.
But Alhamdulilah. The experience was fun and i had a great time doing those activities and sleeping and eating. I ingt pegi tempat biasa2 je like bilik dia mcm dorm ke apa ke. But no it was like hotel. A 3 start hotel sebab takde tv and swimming pool. But it was a hotel and it is own by UiTM itself. Like bapak kaya dorng ni. Bilik dia serious best. Dua katil single, dua meja study, aircond sedap sejuk, sorng dpt dua tuala. Best lah senang ckp. Makan jgn ckp lah. Alhamdulilah my tummy very happy. Mana taknya, baru lepas sarapan pagi ada minum pagi lak. I think i eat like 6 times a day kot. Its free and it is feel like heaven.. Hahahaha...
Ok enough with the induksi, lets smbung psl hal dlm class. So masa 1st day tu, lecturer tu bebel psl apa tah. Student dia lah student tu lah.. Serious i dgn tahan ngatok, dgn lost nyer lagi. Balik dri class tu i really have a doubt. Like boleh ke i bawak course ni? Is it the right thing to do? Or was this a mistake. Npe aku ambik course ni? Npe takde sape halang?
I call fiqah kot let everything out and she was awesome sbb try to calm me down and keep on telling me that i can do this. She believe in me. I survive lots of thing and i definitely survive this. And bila masuk class esok dan seterusnya, alhamdulilah, i really do believe i can do it. I can. Insyallah..
Assignment banyak tu jgn ckp lah. Budak master mmg kene teruk mcm ni. Even course marine pun, fiqah ckp awal2 kelas dh dpt assignment and presentation. So i rasa those thing normal lah. Nak2 lak i nyer course ni take only one year and each month one subject. Like sekrng i tgh ambik subject human resource management so by 29/3 i got exam and bulan april nnti dh start another subject. Tpi i takkan straight up tau pointer i. Nnti dorng akan add up every month smpai habis 1 sem. So by bulan 8, i should know my pointer. And lagi satu as a master student, dia ada pressure sket. Sbb everything your score need to be 3 pointer and above untuk lulus, untuk dpt grade B tu at the very least. Pressure giler wei.
Mmg lah i survive degree dlu wlaupun awal2 tu agak jatuh. Tpi u kene fhm, degree i ada 3 freaking years but master i ada setahun je untuk complete everything. Lagipun sapa je ske extend? And ukm and uitm is such a different thing. I feel like uitm lebih sangat strict drpd ukm. Maybe dia depends on course or lecturer. But serious i tak pernah lagi experience lecturer tegur slide sbb kurng menarik, tak byk corak and colour. Sbb kalo ukm dorng lebih prefer simple sbb tak nmpk serabut and tendency untuk tidak focus tu kurng. Yelah kot2 ada corak or kartun lawak, sometime kita ley leka tgk bnde tu instead of focusing on what the presenter present kt depan tu. And maybe sbb sekrng ni student master, so every argument or fact you make mestilah dikuatkn dgn some research to support whatever you said.. Fuhh... bapak ahhh... I just hope i survive this and finish it in one year. Amin. Insyallah.
So thats all for me now. Update you later when i had time. Insyallah.
Be happy gaisss...
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