If you knew me, you know that im not the kind of person yang throw herself deeper into a friendship. I didnt have many friends to be really honest. The thing is, people come and people go and i stopped hoping they stayed. Because people change like season and i pretend like i dont care about it. I think the only friends that stayed to me through this past few years were farah, nadia, mai n nadh. The girls that i dh anggap mcm sister i. I do anything for them thats for sure. At first of course lah i a bit skeptical sbb we been through this. A few of my friends dri sklah rendah, im not close with anymore padahal dlu rapat giler. So ble habis sklah menengah, somehow i thought i gonna be the same this time. Syukur tak. We still stick together. Wlaupun masing2 belajar kt tempat lain2, masing2 jauh, but we still find time to catch up, hangout. The best feeling is ble tak rasa pape awkward bila jumpa padahal dh bpe bulan gak lah tak jumpa.
And then come matrik. Hidup kt matrik mmg best, i dont deny that. But now i realize it was the best but somehow people yg i ingt maybe we could still catch up some of time, just lost in contact completely. But i never blame them sebab maybe im not really a good friend either. So whatever. I think the only people kt matrik yg i still contact is amy and dila. Tpi amy pun tak sgt sbb lain tempat belajar. But there was a time bila dia text i or i text dia and we catch up a bit. Dila, jgn ckp lah. Dri dlu smpai sekrng, she the only one yg i comfort cite about my life, love life, anything. Entahlah. Maybe sbb dlu roomate? Maybe. And wlaupun masing2 busy and wlaupun dua2 blajar kt ukm but we had different schedule sbb course lain2. But we always find some time to meet up, to catch up, tgk movie sama2, sleepover, makan2. Kteorng slalu ada heart-to-heart session bila jumpa. Bnde wajib sbb dri zaman matrik lagi, there will be time kteorng akan ada heart-to-heart session. So it is a must when we meet up.
Then, the U life. Well, i tak expect untuk get close to people. To be honest masa awal2 sem tu, i pendiam pastu i love do things by myself or dgn roomate i time tulah. But then slowly, i knew some of them. We planned to go somewhere, mkan2, jalan2. Then the penang trip, get us much closer. Every fieldtrip that we went. I think that whats i miss the most. I tak pernah rasa this close to most of my classmate and i hope this feeling wont fade ever. Between them, i think the most i close with are fiqah, wani and sadila. Maybe sbb byk spent time kt lab sesama, buka puasa sesama, siapkn tesis sesama, makan2 sesama. Thats what make our bond strong. Nk lak slalu gak rempit ngan fiqah, gi makan2 ngan fiqah n tdo bilik fiqah, watching horror movie together. Wani lak sbb we spent so many time together kt lab siapkn our fyp, melalak dlm lab tu mcm kita yg punya, mkn sesama2. Sadila, well sadilah, our food master. Mana je tempat makan best2 tak gi ngan dia. Kalo takde dia, tak syok, takde feel nk mkn. Our food queen kan.
Im not the kind of person yg ada rmai kwn but im grateful with whatever and whoever i had now.
Im not the kind of person yg ada rmai kwn but im grateful with whatever and whoever i had now.
Fyi, sorry to an old friend i met in laundry store just now. I tau i nmpk mcm minah sombong gila. The thing is im not good in making conversation but at least i said hi right? and its not like i buat2 tak tahu like i used to sometime, depends on the situation, time and space. Lols.
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