Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Exploring Nogori

This happens somewhere masa cuti sem aritu, awal bulan 4 aritu, tak silap i lah. I know it took me quite a while to wrote it. Bukan apa, slalu lupa pastu bila ingt, i lengah2kan so last2 lpe. And now since i dh teringt, laptop pun dh bukak, lets wrote about it shall we... 

Everything was like all of sudden. Tak berape betul plan pun. Fiqah ajak chang and then ajak dila and me. Well, masa tu mcm 50/50 gak nk gi ke tak sbb tak silap i macam ada plan something but then since takde kata putus, i pun ikut jelah dorng. Tapi kteorng still cari sapa2 lagi yg nak ikut sbb nk cut bajet kn. The more the merrier and a bit cheaper. But since masa tu nk cuti pertengahan sem kan so ramai yg nk balik or gi lab siapkn fyp or they just had some other plan. So lepas hntr wani kat airport, we start our journey.

# Coffeeholic

Ni semua gara2 dh lapar sebab tak breakfast. So we all choose this place to be our 1st cafe. Tidak mengecewakan. The berry waffle is delicious and big breakfast dia pun sgt lah sedap. Air dia paling i rasa sedap is chocolate peppermint. Peppermint dia tak strong sgt so okaylah. Sbb if rasa peppermint dia terlalu strong, dia akan kacau rasa chocolate tu which should be utama. Yelah tgk nama pun dh tau chocolate yg first.

# Just Koffea

The second cafe, i ske suasana dia and the fact worker dia semua friendly so rasa sgt awesome gitu.The food is not that bad. Since agak kenyang lah gak sbb first cafe so kteorng order something light. Meatballs. Dia sedap cuma ada something yg takde so dia ganti dgn yg lain. I tak ingt apa. Air dia ok but not the green tea. For me lah. Fiqah n dila lebih prefer green tea kt 2nd cafe rather than then 1st one. But i lebih ske yg 1st. Pape pun air yg chang pilih sedap. Chocolate coconut. Rasa dia balance. Both flavor rasa smpai i think kalo gi lagi tmpat ni, definitely going to order this one. Seriously.

# Cafe Lavinda

This one serious puas hati. Kteorng order big meal dia mana dia ada macam2 lah n price dia not bad. Satisfied lah senang ckp. Sbb compare to big foot or Grafa, dorng a bit expensive and just ada meat. This one perghh.. Name it. Dri salmon ke fish n chip ke lamb chop ke grilled chicken ke calamari akan2 sotong goreng tepung. Tapi sangat puas. Sos dia pun tak mengecewakan. Pape pun if you order this, jgn order smoothies or air yg bersusu, gas pun kalo ley jgn sbb nnti bloated and full. Seeloknya order air masak. Sejuk if cuaca panas. Pastu abis je mkn semua tu, please kunyah daun mint yg dorng sertakan. Selain bagi ur breath fresh, korng pun akan rasa a bit better. Trust me.

# The Anne Wardrobe

Dia actually cafe + boutique. Barang2 dia cantik, harga standard.  Choose this place pun sbb ice cream picagari ni. I mmg nk dri bila tah maybe since yg kedai kabin kt ampang, dekat dgn restoran bambu tu tapi slalu habis. Takde rezeki. So alang2 dh kt sini n ada lak, try jelah. Tpi.. a bit dissapointing kot. I mean dia sedap just like indah rupa dari khabar maybe. But whatever it is korng ley choose ur ice cream and the rest dia akan buat. Ke bley choose topping sekali. I tak ingt sbb i dok sibuk tgk barang2 kt situ. Hehe.. I kan cepat rambang mata. Nak lak if barang dia cantik2.

# Blue Lagoon

Nope. Ni bukan cafe. It just a relax time sambil tgk sunset. Sadly masa kteorng gi air tgh pasang so mcm takley nk gi jauh n ambik gmbr cantik2. And the fact agak ramai yg tgh bermandi manda or berkelah. But it was nice. I'll be wanting nk spent time tgk laut n sunset and i got it. So its ok.

# Rumah Terbalik N9

A bit pricey, takde student price. Sedih. Tapi okaylah. We had fun. :) and pekerja dia kt situ sgt friendly ambik gmbr kteorng n beri advice nk buat gaya apa.

Then nk gi cloudnine tpi penuh sbb ada function. Makanan dia mmg nmpk sedap gle. Wlaupun tak rasa dpt bau je n tgk presentation dia, i think dia boleh dikatakan sedap gaklah gak. Tapi tulah. If you guys nk gi, better call bwat reservation dlu. If not, tgk jelah apa yg dorng serve smbil leleh air liur.. Hahaha. Tpi kteorg sempat selfie. Hehehe..

So kteorng move on to next cafe which i actually terlupa lah nama dia. Hahahaha.. Nnti kalo dh tau i update. But makanan dia sedap n sambil tunggu mkanan smpai, ley main board games yg dorng sediakan. N pekerja/owner dia best ahh.. Awesome!

Thats it. Lepastu kteorng gerak ke KL sbb chang nk mkan roti naan cheese sedap kt Rmsy kt ngan festival mall tu. So gmbr lepas ni semua takde kene mengene ngan N9 dah. But we had such an awesome time four of us. Gelak je. Semua gara2 bakal2 novelist (dila n chang) yang nk kluarkn novel ttg fiqah. I just dgr je. Maybe akan bwat drama tahpape kul 7ptg kt tv tu. Dia kn slalu based on novel so why not kannn.... Hahahaha..

At Rmsy. Dila dh tak larat dah...

KLCC here we are

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