Alhamdulilah. Finally the day has come for me to take down my title as a work girl bcoz im done with my intership. Hihihihi... Lols...
Eventhough masa awal2 aritu rasa nervous, rasa mcm tak boleh buat, rasa nk give up, eh mcm2 rasa lah. Same goes with the memories i had while working there. Bittersweet is all im saying. But whatever it is, now that it is done, i kinda miss it the people, the moment, the memories. Wlaupun in the beginning i was desperately nk cepat habis. Now dh habis, rindu lah pulak. Mmg dorng ada offer smbung keje situ if i want it. Siap ckp if i change my mind lagi. Tapi entahlah. Sometime i kurng minat dgn keadaan kerje kt situ. I think the only reason i boleh survived is because i make friends with other interns and i get some dark secret of the company. Hahahaha.. * gelak evil
My SV is the best. Serious wa ckp lu. Dia sempoi je. Ckp ngan dia pun gne kau aku je. Mostly kt situ semua mcm tu sbb umur lebih kurng je. SV i baru 25 thun ok. Semua muda2 lah. Company pun baru nk up. Rmai yg diserap lepas intern lagipun. Masa awal2 tu segan lah gak. Eh nk panggil dia apa ek. Encik ke or gne nama je ke. But then bila dgr intern sebelum ni ckp ngan dia. And dia pun ckp ngan i gne kau aku. So i make used of it. Then lelama dh biasa dh siap ley bergurau2 lagi.
Paling best bila SV ok je nk buat jamuan raya just for Media Department. Then a week before i habis, siap gi Aquaria lagi sbb kwn dia keje situ n dpt a few discount tiket so kteorng kene tmbh rm10 each drpt nk kene byr rm30 or rm60 something. Siap dpt tudung aidijuma lagi setiap sorng. Hahaha.. Then tak sedap lah kan so kteorng berpakat lah beli kn dia baju H&M and notebook snang nk tulis pape ke. Dia ni kdg2 rembat je mana2 buku. Ish2. And some word motivation to motivate him. Yelah dia dh nk resign dh akhir tahun ni. Dia ckp maybe nk smbung belajar or nk bukak business. So we wish him the best in the future. And actually i was the one who will be replacing him if i accept the job sbb in under department dia lama. Almost 2 months lah gak. Then baru pindah ke QAQC which i ruin my eyes with microscope. It takes quite awhile untuk adjust mata ni dgn microscope. Mostly my SV yg sign/check my weekly report and evaluate my work. Dia sgt generous and baik hati. Markah dia bagi i perghhh... Alhamdulilah. Dpt gak merasa 4flat nk akhir2 ni. Hihihi..
And Insyallah will end my studies this 7 Nov. :)
On the day Beta Departmend decided to blackout |
Makan makan |
After makan makan |
Aquaria. Lgi 2 orng dh kene baham dgn shark. We are the only survivor. Hahaha.. |
Last day with staff and intern. -UKM, UIA, UMK, UUM- |
With team QA/QC. Terharu buat farewell wlaupun baru join final week. Thank you. |
Pape pun, wlaupun takde pape elauns (huhuhu) but i get lots of knowledge and experience. So thank you. It was all really a bittersweet memories that i am gonna miss it somehow.
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