Sunday, February 24, 2019

Oh well.. lets move on..

Alhamdulilah.. after some time battling with my own thoughts, i finally get myself out of these misery. I feel like for the first time in forever i feel free and happy and well nothing to think and worry about. Yelah, if you guys read post i before this kan boleh nampak actually how i try to fight this thought/demon. Kept telling myself that i can do it. Fake it until you make it they say. But you know deep down inside of you, you cant fake it and you grew tired of fake it and convincing yourself. I quite relieve that i finally let these thing go. Kinda grateful that things happen and i get myself a reason to walk away.

Bayangkanlah ye i feel as though i was jobless these past few month. My paycheck never arrive, same goes with my commission. I sent my resignation letter last Thursday on 21st. I passed it kat Tini, the HR yg handle i and interview i. Then i sent a short message to both my boss. Boss i dua orang ye and dorng a couple. I lambat sket pickup as i always assume they together but taknak lah fkir lebih2. But yeah, they together. Tapi tak kisah lah. Peduli apa aku. So i sent to my male boss ckp yg i after some thinking, i decide to part ways as i did receive another offer from other company. And i know that i can do this part time but i choose not too because i scared that i could not achieve the target. Then i say thank you for the opportunity and knowledge these past month. And i apologize for not being there long and sorry for the misunderstanding psl gaji tu. I ulang balik ye apa i ckp psl gaji n commission tu. And dia balas okay. OKAY JE??!! I taip punya panjang wlaupun takde lah sepanjang i msg joe aritu. And dia balas okay je. Come on. Joe was so much better tau. At least dia balas panjang gak walaupun kadang dia suka hntr sket so nmpk mcm short but it is not. Ughh..

Oh and my female boss, i just say thanks for the knowledge and sorry for not being there long and sorry for any wrong i doing. And i wishing the best. Ni lagi best. Tak balas langsung. Tetbe teringat lak how dia, nope, my male boss yg kinda pandang rendah kt i. Byk kali gak lah i mcm hurm.. what is his problem actually. Like masa i tnye psl bila boleh download apps tu, dia ckp yg lepas i dapat agent code i, i dh boleh lah download. But you should come see me bcoz i doubt you can do it. I mcm.. like seriously.. and i boleh buat ok cuma masa tu ada miscommunication skit psl username. Manalah i nak tau username kat apps and website lain. Satu kene capital, satu mcm biasa je. Lain kali mention lah. I boleh buat okay. Byk gak lah actually dia pandang rendah i. I tau lah i kadang mcm nmpk slow innocent baik je. But dont fool with my outside because i just show you what you need to see. After a while, maybe u can see how my behavior is. Totally opposite ye. Most people yg dh kenal i lama ke or selesa dgn i would see how different i was. Most of my classmate ukm i ingt i ni ayu beb. Last2 tgk setan jugak akhirnya. And tina always thought im the gentle and soft person. Turn out i could be harsh sarcastic savage person. Well, nice to meet you too. HAHAHA.. Come on lah, takkan i nk tunjuk the gem inside of me on our first meet?

But here is the best part. Dia terus remove i dari group ye. I mean i was thinking to remove myself the next day. But she did an honor by removing me. Oh well, thank you? i guess.. nevermind.. whatever.. I put it in the past.. Gotta shake it off right..

So, now.. i was waiting for my offer letter and insyallah will be starting my first day this Thursday, 28th. I hope everything went well and i stay much longer this time around. Amin amin..

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