This was meant to post on 20th of November but like always, I got lots of things to do and the laziness disease has strike again unfortunately so forgive me for posting it a bit late than it's original date. Ok, without a due, shall we continue...

Macam I pernah mention dulu, I was planning in being invisible masa kt U. I know weird kan.. Patutnya orng lagi nk stand out masa kt U but not me. Tapi mestilah, that plan was kinda not work out. Hahaha.. With my evil laugh, it was kinda hard to stayed low. Anyway, I pun tak sangka akan ada best of friends in U ni. I ingt kwn2 i cukup hanya ada the girls. A small circle of friends seems like fine and trusty. Tapi tulah sejak byk kluar jenjalan dgn cafe hunting lagi, i make quite good close friends. So need to be expand that circle sbb dah tak muat dah.
And one of that close friend is Puan Afiqah Pisah. Kenape puan? Sbb that whole UPSR commenting in facebook. That is why. Ok. Kenal lama dah sbb coursemate. Then we went to chemistry cafe and morib mana aku bawak kete mcm orng gila, that strike into lubang and masa tukar driver dgn anor tu (you know what i mean). Then penang trip and lots of other trips and numerous cafe hunting. Then maybe my inner self suddenly keluar, the 'evil laugh' like you guys called, so somehow we get so closed. And merempit, makan makan, gi monsterdeal sbb aku teringin nk minum air green tea, buka puasa sesama, lepak lab kau, tgk movie, tgk bola, panaskn pizza gne microwave microb (alhamdulilah masih bernafas lagi), you named it.. Sebab terlalu banyak, i just cant.
Somehow, you are like my christina or my meredith. Sbb you are my person and we kinda had those mer-christina friendship (if you guys are quite a fan of grey's, you get it). Somehow it is easy to talk to you about things. I feel comfortable to talk to you about my past and exes. Aku rasa selain dri the girls, you know the most of my exes. Then psl joe lagi. Terima kasih sbb byk dgr luahan aku yg tak sudah n so ever complicated psl joe. No one know me like you did. And you know mostly about my family sbb kau sleepover rumah aku n like i say it felt easy to talk to you about these things. And i think you the only one yg tau psl that 'emerald' thing (please ckp kau ingt! but do not tell any soul about it). Actually ssh untuk aku tulis semua nyer sebab byk kata kata dh terluah dlm buku nota kau tu. So mostly mcm copy and paste je. Hihihihi...
Then angan2 rumah orang tua. Hahaha.. Let me explain it to you guys. Kalo dgr rumah orang tua mesti korng fikir rumah orang tua lah. Hahaha.. Nk fikir apa lagi kan. Tapi for our rumah orang tua, it was not typical rumah orng tua. Sbb kteorng kira andartu lah tpi andartu classy lah. Sbb mostly bila duit dh cukup, kteorng akan gi travel or cafe hunting. Aku suggest kte buat tabung khas untuk bende tu semua nnti. Basically our rumah orang tua didiami oleh aku, fiqah n dila. Originally lah tapi who knows member dia berubah or bertambah. Sbb for now we decided to never get married. EVER. Tu pun if tak ketemu jodoh ler. Dila siap usha2 idea untuk rumah tu lagi and I, well, lately, tgk perabot and idea interior design makes me calm somehow. Ok, enough with that. So, that was our plan. Originally.
Pastu bile kau baik sgt nk teman aku isi application for master then teman aku cari kerje. Jujur aku ckp, aku terharu gile. Speechless gile. Bcoz no one ever does that to me and you willing to so thank you. Wlaupun aku mmg nampak mcm independent, tak selalu mintak tolong kau wlaupun i really should actually.. I mean kau dh offer kan.. Hahaha.. The thing is, aku takut nk depend on people. Aku takut aku terlalu depend dgn orng pastu lelama things change and they leave.. Aku kalo boleh tak nak bnde jadi mcm dgn joe dlu. Wlaupun tak mungkin lah aku nk ske kau romatically. Gile apa. Nabi tak mengaku umat tau. Unless if i was a boy. Tu lain lah. Hahaha..And aku tau kekadang aku bersifat distant and senyap. And most of those time, aku tak cerite apa sgt. The thing is im good in pushing people away and i am not good in making or stayed in friends. Aku kan introvert. Hahaha.. Then masa birthday aku, kau jadi mastermind. Terharu giler beb. And im sorry aku tak jadi buat bday kau happening mcm kau buat kt aku. Mungkin perlu menuntut ilmu lebih dri kau ni. Hahaha.. But who knows in future nnti kan.. on your bday.. HAHAHAHA *gelak evil
Anyway peah, i meant it when i said you are my person. Sbb if i ever get married, aku nak kau tanya aku sama ada aku sure or tak dgn wedding ni semua. Especially tnye a day or a few hours before aku nikah. And if aku ckp aku tak nak, please bawak aku lari ke mana mana sahaja. Promise me that fiqah.
And secondly why you are my person, well, seriously if i kill someone, you were the first person yg aku akan call to hide the body and be the CSI. You officially in my emergency contact. No kidding. You are my perosn and i would do anything for you. And if you anything, i will be here, listen and support wlaupun kekadang aku ni mcm lalang sket. Hahaha.. But i will support you no matter what.
Aku bersyukur dpt kawan mcm kau dan aku harap friendship kita ni kekal smpai bile bile. Smpai kau dan kahwin or smpai aku ketemu jodoh or kita kn dh plan nk dduk rumah orng tua sesama. Please simpan bracelet yg kita bwat sesama tu elok2. You didnt always have to wear, just keep it somewhere self and dont lost it. Hihihi.. You are my person, sahabat dunia akhirat. Thanks for everthing and maaf ayat2 kt post ni tak seindah mana. Hahaha.. Happy belated birthday fiqah. Sorry if i took our friendship for granted. Sorry ada sakitkn hati kau dgn gurau kasar aku and ayat tak sesedap waffle aku. But thanks for being my friend. Aku doakan kau dapat capai impian dan cita2 kau. Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kau. Please stayed happening and gile2 sista rehat. Be happy sunshine and may your 'joy' functioning well always. :)
Semoga ketemu lagi di masa hadapan 'pisang goreng cheese'. Insyallah.
Somehow, you are like my christina or my meredith. Sbb you are my person and we kinda had those mer-christina friendship (if you guys are quite a fan of grey's, you get it). Somehow it is easy to talk to you about things. I feel comfortable to talk to you about my past and exes. Aku rasa selain dri the girls, you know the most of my exes. Then psl joe lagi. Terima kasih sbb byk dgr luahan aku yg tak sudah n so ever complicated psl joe. No one know me like you did. And you know mostly about my family sbb kau sleepover rumah aku n like i say it felt easy to talk to you about these things. And i think you the only one yg tau psl that 'emerald' thing (please ckp kau ingt! but do not tell any soul about it). Actually ssh untuk aku tulis semua nyer sebab byk kata kata dh terluah dlm buku nota kau tu. So mostly mcm copy and paste je. Hihihihi...
Then angan2 rumah orang tua. Hahaha.. Let me explain it to you guys. Kalo dgr rumah orang tua mesti korng fikir rumah orang tua lah. Hahaha.. Nk fikir apa lagi kan. Tapi for our rumah orang tua, it was not typical rumah orng tua. Sbb kteorng kira andartu lah tpi andartu classy lah. Sbb mostly bila duit dh cukup, kteorng akan gi travel or cafe hunting. Aku suggest kte buat tabung khas untuk bende tu semua nnti. Basically our rumah orang tua didiami oleh aku, fiqah n dila. Originally lah tapi who knows member dia berubah or bertambah. Sbb for now we decided to never get married. EVER. Tu pun if tak ketemu jodoh ler. Dila siap usha2 idea untuk rumah tu lagi and I, well, lately, tgk perabot and idea interior design makes me calm somehow. Ok, enough with that. So, that was our plan. Originally.
Pastu bile kau baik sgt nk teman aku isi application for master then teman aku cari kerje. Jujur aku ckp, aku terharu gile. Speechless gile. Bcoz no one ever does that to me and you willing to so thank you. Wlaupun aku mmg nampak mcm independent, tak selalu mintak tolong kau wlaupun i really should actually.. I mean kau dh offer kan.. Hahaha.. The thing is, aku takut nk depend on people. Aku takut aku terlalu depend dgn orng pastu lelama things change and they leave.. Aku kalo boleh tak nak bnde jadi mcm dgn joe dlu. Wlaupun tak mungkin lah aku nk ske kau romatically. Gile apa. Nabi tak mengaku umat tau. Unless if i was a boy. Tu lain lah. Hahaha..And aku tau kekadang aku bersifat distant and senyap. And most of those time, aku tak cerite apa sgt. The thing is im good in pushing people away and i am not good in making or stayed in friends. Aku kan introvert. Hahaha.. Then masa birthday aku, kau jadi mastermind. Terharu giler beb. And im sorry aku tak jadi buat bday kau happening mcm kau buat kt aku. Mungkin perlu menuntut ilmu lebih dri kau ni. Hahaha.. But who knows in future nnti kan.. on your bday.. HAHAHAHA *gelak evil

Aku bersyukur dpt kawan mcm kau dan aku harap friendship kita ni kekal smpai bile bile. Smpai kau dan kahwin or smpai aku ketemu jodoh or kita kn dh plan nk dduk rumah orng tua sesama. Please simpan bracelet yg kita bwat sesama tu elok2. You didnt always have to wear, just keep it somewhere self and dont lost it. Hihihi.. You are my person, sahabat dunia akhirat. Thanks for everthing and maaf ayat2 kt post ni tak seindah mana. Hahaha.. Happy belated birthday fiqah. Sorry if i took our friendship for granted. Sorry ada sakitkn hati kau dgn gurau kasar aku and ayat tak sesedap waffle aku. But thanks for being my friend. Aku doakan kau dapat capai impian dan cita2 kau. Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kau. Please stayed happening and gile2 sista rehat. Be happy sunshine and may your 'joy' functioning well always. :)
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Gigih mencari gmbr kau yg lawak and this one has vespa |
Semoga ketemu lagi di masa hadapan 'pisang goreng cheese'. Insyallah.

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