I always thought that i was an extrovert person due to my talkactive and 'idgaf' attitude and how easily i get along with people and yeah just loud.
But then i realize that maybe i was both. An ambivert what they would call. And maybe im still am.
But i guess as i grow up, i found my true self. Im not extrovert at all. Maybe a little bit but i was more to an introvert person. For those who know me, korng mestilah fikir, ye ke minah ni. Mcm tak je. Well hear me out guys.
Yeah, i can be talkactive and loud and act crazy but most of the time i love to be alone like i will always find a time for me to be alone each day. I love being with people that i love or meeting new people, but i was actually rather stayed in my room and do a Grey's marathon. The reason that i seem like i could get along with some people is because dorng yg tegur i dlu, takkan i nk bwat sombong lak? Dhlah kdg2 ada orng label i sombong for the first impression. Or maybe sometime it was because i found someone yg ada interest like me. Contohnya, maybe dia minat tgk Grey's Anatomy or New Girl or Lord of The Rings. Kan similar interest makes people more closer, kan?? But serious guy, i am introvert. I recharge myself when i was alone with some books or some music in the background or watching a few episode of Grey's. But like i said, maybe i am both, an ambivert.
I adalah baca ciri2 introvert/extrovert ni mcm mne. Siap ambik kuiz lagi. Haha.. Takde kerja. Padahal kerja berlambak, menimbun lagi. Takpelah. Rehat kan minda. And i tak ingt actually i dpt which one. Maybe introvert kot. Pastu bila tgk ciri2 introvert pun mmg byk kt i. So terbukti lah i introvert kan..
Lagi satu i baca kan.. Orng introvert ni jenis yg ssh nk fall in love, jenis yg ske takes things really slow like people kene approach dia blah blah blah. I mmg mcm tu sbb mmg bkn jenis yg ske start first conversation. Nk yg laki je start dlu. Ask ashraf or any of my ex. Wlaupun maybe i bwat kerja gila dgn confess feeling i kt joe. Tak take things slow pun, tak malu2 pun. Betul2 bwat apa yg dia rasa sedap je. Tapi we both mmg take things slow. Like sangat slow smpai kalo nk race antara kteorng ngan siput babi. Confirm2 ah siput babi tu yg menang. Npe siput babi? Saje sbb nk carut sket. At least tak rasa bersalah sgt. Nama binatang tuu.. Mmg ada kan...
Pastu kan kan orng ckp, orng introvert ni heartless orang nyer. And mengikut kata2 my mom and my dad, dorng sendiri ngaku anak pompuan dorng yg satu2 ni mmg heartless orng nyer. I tak cakap. Dorng yg ckp. Depan2 i lak tu. Ish ish..
Anyway, here i nk share psl ciri2 introvert yg i dpt dari blog Maria Elena.
- Them being alone does not mean they're lonely. They're enjoying their time away from physical interaction with people.
- They are not emotional (publicly). So don't expect them to cry over things you're crying over. They feel things, but just not expressive.
- Publicly, they can be awkward or normal. If they're not in the mood, they're probably just stand in a group but seriously not listening to a word. If they are, they can talk and join in the conversation.
- They're good at pretending they're listening (most likely for adults. Kalau teenagers tu, diorang belum asah lagi kebolehan ni).
- If they like doing something, they will do it alone. Like playing games, travelling, watching movies, etc etc. So takyah terasa if you're left out.
- They don't care about what others think. Because they're introvert. So most likely, their inner voice is super loud sampai it can cover the noise around them. Their inner voice is just one voice i think...
- They can be reasoned with, so don't think that introverts are selfish. They're okay je.
- They can achieve stuff on their own. Like studying for exams.
Number 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 semua ada kt i. So, since im an introvert one, maybe i bley cari future husband i yg jenis extrovert. So tak boleh lah ngan joe sbb dia pun mcm introvert je i tgk. Takpelah i kn both, ambivert. Or maybe i can change to extrovert later later. Who knows kan..
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